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Rod Giess

Rod Giess draws upon 40+ years of experience in software development, marketing and sales to help property and casualty insurance companies reduce the time, cost and risk inherent in insurance IT projects.

He began his career at IBM, holding roles such as systems analyst at IBM World Trade and marketing representative for Big Blue’s General Systems division. He went on to specialize in eBusiness strategy and sales at Policy Management Systems Corp in the early days of the Internet.

In 2001, Rod started SpeedBuilder Systems, Inc., a company focused on Internet-based software tools and technologies for property and casualty insurers.  Since then, the company has grown to service property and casualty insurance companies, MGA’s and Brokers across the United States, supporting both personal and commercial lines.

A graduate of the Wharton Business School, Rod lives in Lexington, SC, where he loves to play tennis, garden, and play music in the Kairos Prison Ministry.

Debbie Rivers

In a career that spans more than 30 years, Debbie has collaborated on building multiple enterprise-level insurance IT systems and has led product development teams in the U.S. and Australia.

Debbie played an integral role in developing ISO’s Liability Navigator. Originally called Claims Outcome Advisor, the product was created by a team Debbie led at Policy Management Systems Corp. Debbie transitioned to ISO (a division of Verisk) as a senior technical consultant when the company acquired the product in 2001.

At ISO, Debbie served as the director of claims services operations and manager of Liability Navigator product development and services for nearly 10 years before joining SpeedBuilder Systems in 2019.

In her role as vice president of client services at SpeedBuilder Systems, Debbie leads development, enhancement and delivery of the company’s BindExpress Suite policy administration system.

Debbie earned a Bachelor of Science degree in computer science from the University of South Carolina and is an avid fan and supporter of all Gamecocks sports teams, especially the women’s basketball team. She lives on beautiful Lake Murray in Leesville, SC where she enjoys swimming, boating and gardening.